Our summer home...

We are living in a Forest Service house that is right next door to Reid's office and one of the two projects that he is overseeing. They are building a new district building so they are currently working out of trailers. In his work trailer Reid is closer to home than he is to the district building.
The house we are staying in is functional and has most of the things we need to live for a few months. The chairs are up because Jessie likes to climb and has already tipped one over, landing on her head...
The back yard is fenced which is nice for Gunner, but it's not really what I consider a "yard." It is full of ants and stickers so we are kind of sticking to the concrete for now.
The village of Magdalena is on top of a mountain so between the gravel roads, the elevation, and the 40 mph winds, I'm finding running to be a little tricky.
Anyway, here is a little taste of our neighborhood...in all it's trashy glory!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that I thought you guys lived in that small ghost town.
