Jessie and I were at the Tower of Terror in California Adventures when I got the phone call from our attorney saying that our adoption had been finalized. We did not appear in person for our final hearing today in Seattle so both Reid and I were very anxious for the phone to ring this afternoon. I missed the call because I was in line for the Tower of Terror with the cheerleaders, but I can't explain the flood of emotions that came with that awesome voicemail confirming that the adoption process was legally over.
The adoption process itself seems to have gone quickly, and fairly smoothly for us, but the road leading to this point has been a major trial. We were not concerned that the adoption might not go through so it took me by surprise when the tears started to flow as I listened to my voicemail today. I guess the combination of emotions felt over the last 6 years finally caught up to me.
We feel so blessed and are so grateful for Stacey and the choice she made in Jessie's behalf. We are so lucky to have such a sweet, happy baby girl in our family.